Lesa DeBergh

Lesa Beth DeBergh, 60, was born January 27th, 1963, in Binghamton, NY. She passed away peacefully on January 21st, 2024, in Kenosha, WI.

Lesa was a loving mother, grandmother, sister, and friend. She is predeceased by her parents, Lucy and Kenneth DeBergh. Lesa is survived by her children Sophia (Derrick Thomas) Yanuzzi and Dominick (Olivia) Yanuzzi; grandson Emeric Thomas; siblings Dianne DeBergh and Kenneth DeBergh; as well as many nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends.

Lesa dedicated her life to helping and healing others. After retiring from many years of nursing in the Chicagoland area she started her own business providing yoga and reiki services as well as creating many different healing instruments. Her passion for teaching and spreading positivity radiated through every aspect of her life. She loved hiking in the woods, drumming by the beach and skiing in the winter. She will be remembered most for her constant smile and infectious laugh.

In lieu of flowers donations can be made to Hospice Alliance who provided tremendous care in her final days.  

Thoughts for Lesa DeBergh;

  • Holly Berendsen says:

    I am so sorry to hear of Lesa’s passing. The drum circle at E’s birthday was so joyful and showed such spirit. May her memory be a blessing.

  • Sweet Lesa, Your ascension leaves a space that no one else can fill, yet I know without a doubt that you are still here with us and guiding us. Thank you for so many beautiful times together, so much laughter, and the deep, potent insights too. Thank you for your wisdom, your unconditional love, and your friendship. The seeds you have sewn will continue to grow for generations. I love you to the stars and beyond dear friend. 💖✨️💖✨️💖✨️💖✨️💖

    • Beautifully said! She will be deeply missed even as she continues to inspire joy and laughter and healing Many generations indeed!

  • Julie Peterkort says:

    Lesa was the best friend I had longed for my whole life, I’m sad that we found each other so late in life and missed out on making more memories together. She was a great confidant, listener, hiking companion, yoga teacher. The list could go on and on. I’m so lucky to have experienced all her blessings. I miss our 2 hour weekly phone calls. Or spontaneous get togethers since we lived close by. There is a huge hole no one will be able to fill because she was so unique and her love so genuine. It warms my heart now see how much she was loved by others.

  • Sophia and Dominick, may the memory of Lesa bring you comfort and peace today and always. My heart is with you , wishing you peace and strength during this time.
    Lesa was always a light of love at our family gatherings. She was a great co-Grammy and I could see her love for Emeric. I will always remember her smiling, laughing, helping others in need. All my love, Cindy

  • Dianne DeBergh says:

    This is such a lovely tribute to my beautiful sister.
    She was surrounded by loving friends and family throughout her life and enriched my own life in many beautiful ways..
    Rest in peace my beautiful sister. I’ll love you eternally.

  • Jason Stempin says:

    Sending my positive thoughts and heartfelt prayers to Lesa’s family, friends, and loved ones. I know she has many! May her transition be smooth and peaceful. I truly hope you all find the strength and courage to fill her unending memory with love and happiness. Lesa was a giver, a healer, a nurturer, and a deeply soulful person. May she remain a beacon of light and hope for each of you, both now and in the future.


    Jay Stempin

  • Lisa Underriner Ford says:

    I am so saddened to hear this news. Lisa was a childhood friend of mine who I have so many fond memories of our friendship. I always think of Lesa when I see a dark green karmann ghia which was my first car that I purchased from the DeBergh family. Loved that car! I visited Lesa in Chicago many years ago and had a great time. My deepest sympathy to the family. Prayers to all.

  • Linda Parsons says:

    I met Lesa in college at SUNY Geneseo
    and lived with her in the same suite. Her voice was always so soft and she had caring words for people who needed them. I’ll always remember her !

  • Lesa was a beakon of light in the community. She was a sunflower in a field of weeds. She leaves behind a spark in all the hearts that have met her. Gone but never forgotten.

  • Mary LaPierre says:

    This is quite the shock let me say😥Ioved reading Lesa’s post as she had such an awesome way of making me relax after reading other posts on FB with her spiritual reiki and motivational ways.
    She was such a great person in high school and continued to be the same moving through her life. Sending 🙏 🙏 to her family and friends. RIP Lesa.😥❤

  • Cynthia Delgadillo says:

    I am very sorry for the loss of your mom and grandma. She was a kind soul and a sweet person. I will remember her laughter and love at drum circles and workshop.

  • Sending my heartfelt condolences to the family. Lesa was a such a bright, beautiful soul as a teenager when I met her. May she always be remembered that way. God bless. Peace, love and prayers.

  • Our family did not know Lesa for very long, but we were quickly growing to love her. She was a joyful and giving person, and I regret that we did not have more time with her. Her passing is a great loss.

  • Maureen Faiella says:

    Sending my heartfelt condolences to her children and family. I am deeply saddened to hear of her passing. Her love for life was felt thru her Yoga and Reike and her loved ones. Lesa always made time for her friends and you felt loved by her, something I still feel 45 years later. Rest easy and fly free with the Angels.

  • Dianne Palmen says:

    Sending peace and love to Lesa’s family and friends. She was a good soul and a beautiful person. She will be missed. I enjoyed getting to know her this past year at the drum circles and will treasure the drum she helped me make. Fly high my friend. I will see you in every full moon. Peace be with you. ✌️❤️✌️

  • Kristina Watanabe says:

    Lesa is such a wonderful soul. Her laugh was infectious! She was such a presense in this world and will continue in the next. Happy Birthday sweet lady!

  • Christine Donalies says:

    My life is enriched by crossing paths with Lesa and sharing in her bright light and love. I only knew her briefly, but my soul is enlightened forever by her presence.

  • Colleen Steenhagen says:

    I am grateful for the times we shared throughout the years…walks in the woods, drumming on the beach,
    gentle insight and joyful laughter.
    I will miss you my friend, wise healer, light keeper, holder of the moon, dancer in the stars,
    Shine bright!
    So far away and yet so near, beyond time and space…we will feel your love and light, always.

  • Laurie Dowless says:

    This is not goodbye dear friend. I feel you dancing around me in sacred dance, I see you sprinkling pink cherry blossoms over your beloveds and I hear your tinkling laughter – the full moon was brighter last night, reminding me of the many full moons we shared on the beaches of NC! It has been an honor to share many circles with you, again in this life, and I gratefully welcome you to continue to collaborate from the heavens – I will see you in lodge and across the sacred fire, beating your drum, I will hear your voice singing loud and true, and feel your hand in mine as we leap in faith into the unknown, the undiscovered and the unwritten- thank you for being such an amazing and true friend! ✨💖💫🌈. Aloha Butterfly Woman. You are one of a kind! 🦋

  • Laura Turberville says:

    I am forever grateful that we met and shared in each others lives for the time we did. I’m so happy I met you.
    I enjoyed the full moon nights on the beach, the lodges, the fire circles, music, lodges, deep conversations and lighthearted laughs.
    Bella and I loved you and that love lives on.
    Now and Until we meet again…much love

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